How can i find out the corresponding mounting interface standards?

Interface Size Cross Reference
SWG-02 3 03 D03 D01 NG 6
SWG-03 5 05 D05 D02 NG 10
DSHG-04 7 07 D07 D04 NG 16
DSHG-06 8 08 D08 D06 NG 25
DSHG-10 10 10 D10 D10 NG 32


CETOP Full Name: Comite’ Europe’en des Transmissions Ole’ohydrauliques et Pneumatiques
A European trade association representing various country organizations similar to the NFPA in the U.S.A., BFPA in England, VDMA in Germany….


ISO Full Name: Internation Organization for Standardization
The Internation Standards Organization establishes the ISO interface standards.


NFPA Full Name: National Fluid Power Association of the U.S.A.
NFPA is building a seamless and inclusive association that can serve as a collective voice for all channel partners in building our industry.


DIN-24340 Full Name: Deutsches Institut f�r Normung
NG code related to port diameter expressed in millimeters. It’s part of Germany “DIN” standard(SIMILAR TO ANSI-American National Standards Institute) and covers port size only. It doesn’t relate to the configuration of the rest of the interface.
N.G translates to the configuration of the rest of the interface.
N.G translates to nominal size.
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